An annual event for lovers and not of yellow that every year transforms Senigallia into the "capital of mysteries". In August, Velvet Beach turns yellow. Ventimilarighesottoimari in giallo, an event organized in collaboration with the Rosellini Foundation for Popular Literature and the IoBook library in Senigallia, hosts noir authors for a week among the most interesting on the national and international scene. A way to tell the story of reality, politics, the metropolises, through a genre literature loved by Italian and foreign readers. During the days of the festival it will be possible to visit the Yellow Chamber, the space set up by the Rosellini Foundation for popular literature in via Manni 27. Camera Gialla is a fascinating place that collects practically all the yellow books published in Italian. An endless material that contains a real gem for fans: the first volume of the legendary Mondadori series with the cover on a yellow background from which this literary genre began in Italy.
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